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Warm congratulations on the successful completion and delivery of the company's export to Indonesia Dexin project

Warm congratulations on the successful completion and delivery of the company's export to Indonesia Dexin project

Warm congratulations on the successful completion and delivery of the company's export to Indonesia Dexin project

In the scorching sun and the scorching sun in July, the storage and transportation department of Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co., Ltd. is in full swing to organize personnel to pack, load and ship the products exported to Indonesia's Dexin project. This project is 33 belt conveyors for the 3.5 million tons/year steel project of Indonesia Dexin Steel Co., Ltd. signed by the company, with a value of more than 13 million tons of products. Since July 16 (Tuesday), the company's storage and transportation department has been in strict accordance with the requirements of the contract and technical agreement, braved the sweltering heat, with high standards and strict requirements to organize the loading of the project products. The company reasonably allocates various resources such as cranes and large transport vehicles, and carries out loading and delivery in an orderly manner, and uses four days to deliver large transport vehicles in total. The car is about to successfully complete the delivery task of the project. Indonesia Dexin Steel Co., Ltd. is located in Qingshan Industrial Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The project covers a total of steelmaking and continuous casting and rod and wire projects, including 2 × 120 tons of converters and 1.5 million tons/year of rod and wire projects. The successful signing of this project is another major achievement of the company's compliance with the national "Belt and Road" strategy, industrial transfer policy, and the company's layout and market development in key overseas regions. While accumulating experience for the external expansion of the company's main metallurgical business, it has enriched the types of foreign contracted projects and laid a solid foundation for the further development of overseas markets. At the same time, this project effectively promotes the rapid development of Indonesia's metallurgical industry, and drives the quality and upgrade of related industrial chains, which can not only reduce cost consumption, but also complement each other's advantages, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and play an important role in Indonesia's economic development and social progress. Earth push. In order to successfully complete the Indonesian Dexin Iron and Steel project products according to the requirements, to meet the needs of users, to actively respond to the market, to coordinate the resources of all parties, to strengthen the cooperation of various departments, workshops and outsourcing manufacturers, to systematically plan and jointly tackle key problems, Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co., Ltd. Solidly promote the production progress of the project. The company adopts and meets the international standards required by the project owner in design, raw material procurement, manufacturing and testing. The smooth output and on-time delivery of the Indonesian Dexin Steel Project is the result of Shankuang Company's efforts to promote the upgrading of leading products, create a market for mid-to-high-end products, and allow Shankuang Company to "go global" with more advanced technology and high-quality products. The solid step towards the goal is also the fruitful result of the sincere cooperation and quick response of all departments of the company to help the company's development and transformation.
Warm congratulations on the successful completion and delivery of the company's export to Indonesia Dexin project
Product description
In the scorching sun and the scorching sun in July, the storage and transportation department of Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co., Ltd. is in full swing to organize personnel to pack, load and ship the products exported to Indonesia's Dexin project. This project is 33 belt conveyors for the 3.5 million tons/year steel project of Indonesia Dexin Steel Co., Ltd. signed by the company, with a value of more than 13 million tons of products. Since July 16 (Tuesday), the company's storage and transportation department has been in strict accordance with the requirements of the contract and technical agreement, braved the sweltering heat, with high standards and strict requirements to organize the loading of the project products. The company reasonably allocates various resources such as cranes and large transport vehicles, and carries out loading and delivery in an orderly manner, and uses four days to deliver large transport vehicles in total.
The car is about to successfully complete the delivery task of the project.

Indonesia Dexin Steel Co., Ltd. is located in Qingshan Industrial Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The project covers a total of steelmaking and continuous casting and rod and wire projects, including 2 × 120 tons of converters and 1.5 million tons/year of rod and wire projects. The successful signing of this project is another major achievement of the company's compliance with the national "Belt and Road" strategy, industrial transfer policy, and the company's layout and market development in key overseas regions. While accumulating experience for the external expansion of the company's main metallurgical business, it has enriched the types of foreign contracted projects and laid a solid foundation for the further development of overseas markets. At the same time, this project effectively promotes the rapid development of Indonesia's metallurgical industry, and drives the quality and upgrade of related industrial chains, which can not only reduce cost consumption, but also complement each other's advantages, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and play an important role in Indonesia's economic development and social progress. Earth push.
In order to successfully complete the Indonesian Dexin Iron and Steel project products according to the requirements, to meet the needs of users, to actively respond to the market, to coordinate the resources of all parties, to strengthen the cooperation of various departments, workshops and outsourcing manufacturers, to systematically plan and jointly tackle key problems, Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co., Ltd. Solidly promote the production progress of the project. The company adopts and meets the international standards required by the project owner in design, raw material procurement, manufacturing and testing.

The smooth output and on-time delivery of the Indonesian Dexin Steel Project is the result of Shankuang Company's efforts to promote the upgrading of leading products, create a market for mid-to-high-end products, and allow Shankuang Company to "go global" with more advanced technology and high-quality products. The solid step towards the goal is also the fruitful result of the sincere cooperation and quick response of all departments of the company to help the company's development and transformation.




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Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co.,Ltd

ADD:No. 11, ji'anqiao North Road, Jining City, Shandong Province









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