Company News

Warm congratulations to Shan Mining Company for successfully passing the three-system supervision and audit in 2021

Warm congratulations to Shan Mining Company for successfully passing the three-system supervision and audit in 2021
16 2022/05

Strong alliance! Warm congratulations on the successful establishment of strategic partnership between Shan Mining Company and Flender

Strong alliance! Warm congratulations to Shan Mining Company and Flender for successfully establishing a strategic partnership.
16 2022/05

Warm congratulations to Shan Mining Company for successfully passing the three-system supervision and audit in 2021

From October 18th to 21st, 2021, an audit team consisting of four experts from Shandong Guojian Certification Center conducted a period of Four-day on-site audit. Focusing on the scope of the audit, the experts of the audit team have conducted in-depth communication and exchanges with various departments of our company by holding meetings, symposium exchanges, reviewing materials, and inspecting the site, and put forward constructive suggestions for the operation and management of the company's system. comments and suggestions.
13 2022/05

Show women's style, show women's strength

In the month of March, spring is full of love. In order to welcome the "March 8th" Women's Day, give play to the role of the main force of female employees, and encourage female employees to show their women's style and strength with the spirit of "self-esteem, self-love, self-reliance, and self-improvement". On the afternoon of March 7, the company's female workers' committee held a meeting on the third floor to celebrate "International Women's Day" and work mobilization meeting. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Guilin, director of the company's general manager's office. The female worker committee members and female worker group leaders attended the meeting. Jiang Xintian, deputy secretary and chairman of the labor union, attended the meeting.     First of all, Chairman Jiang thanked all the female employees for their hard work, and hoped that everyone will continue to exert their subjective initiative, strive to give full play to the role and energy of female employees, and contribute to the company's new stage of industrial park construction. On the occasion of the International Working Women's Day on March 8, Sun Shanjin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Company, addressed all female employees and extended holiday greetings. Director Zhang Guilin conveyed Chairman Sun's concern and care for all female employees.     The meeting reviewed and studied the content of the 2022 annual work mobilization meeting, and put forward several requirements: first, the female workers group leaders should play an exemplary and leading role, show responsibility, and take women workers' work to a new level; second, adhere to "total cost leadership" The development strategy of the company will be implemented in all positions to increase speed and increase efficiency, improve quality and increase efficiency, and reduce costs and increase efficiency. The meeting conducted in-depth study of the Laws and Regulations on the Rights and Interests of Women Workers (Excerpts) in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Shandong National Defense Machinery and Electronics Trade Union on launching the "Right Protection Action Month" for women workers. Through this study, female employees can fully understand their rights and interests at work, improve their ability to know the law, understand the law, abide by the law, and use it, which is more conducive to mobilizing and motivating the enthusiasm of female employees. In order to further strengthen the care and concern for female employees and enhance their sense of happiness, Shanxi Mining Company distributed women's day gifts to female employees. I wish all female compatriots beauty and wisdom together, family and career harmony, health and happiness together!     Celebrating the "March 8th" Women's Day has become a fine tradition of the company. We are grateful to every beauty in our company. Let's work together to create a better tomorrow for our company!
13 2022/05

Watch and help each other to overcome the difficulties together | Mountain and Mining Company donated "Love Tent" to help Jining fight the epidemic!

In order to help Jining City's epidemic prevention and control work, on the afternoon of April 20, Sun Shanjin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co., Ltd., and representative of Rencheng District People's Congress, on behalf of the company, donated 66 love tents to Jincheng Street, Jining City, as a front line of anti-epidemic. People shelter from the wind and rain.         Meng Jianli, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jincheng Street, and He Yibing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Office Director, thanked Chairman Sun Shanjin and Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co., Ltd. for their strong support for epidemic prevention and control. Chairman Sun said that, as a local enterprise in Jining, it is the obligation and responsibility to do its best to prevent and control the epidemic. I hope that everyone will unite and fight the epidemic together. May the haze of the epidemic dissipate as soon as possible and resume normal production and life.   The epidemic is ruthless, and people are affectionate. The more difficulties and obstacles they encounter, the more love in the world. Shan Mining Company will continue to pay attention to the epidemic situation and the progress of prevention and control, fulfill social responsibilities with practical actions, and practice social responsibility! At the same time, we also call on everyone to take action and go all out to win this epidemic prevention and control war!  
13 2022/05

Commend the advanced and motivated and concentrate on creating a new chapter

Victorious golden ox's hooves are getting farther and farther, and the roaring sound of Shengwei Jinhu comes. On the afternoon of February 12, 2022, Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co., Ltd. "2021 Annual Summary and Commendation, 2022 Work Mobilization and Cadre Style Construction Conference" was successfully held in the company.
15 2022/04
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Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co.,Ltd

ADD:No. 11, ji'anqiao North Road, Jining City, Shandong Province









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