Commend the advanced and motivated and concentrate on creating a new chapter

Commend the advanced and motivated and concentrate on creating a new chapter

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2022-04-15
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(Summary description)Victorious golden ox's hooves are getting farther and farther, and the roaring sound of Shengwei Jinhu comes. On the afternoon of February 12, 2022, Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co., Ltd. "2021 Annual Summary and Commendation, 2022 Work Mobilization and Cadre Style Construction Conference" was successfully held in the company.

Commend the advanced and motivated and concentrate on creating a new chapter

(Summary description)Victorious golden ox's hooves are getting farther and farther, and the roaring sound of Shengwei Jinhu comes. On the afternoon of February 12, 2022, Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co., Ltd. "2021 Annual Summary and Commendation, 2022 Work Mobilization and Cadre Style Construction Conference" was successfully held in the company.

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2022-04-15
  • Views:0

Victorious golden ox's hooves are getting farther and farther, and the roaring sound of Shengwei Jinhu comes. On the afternoon of February 12, 2022, Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co., Ltd. "2021 Annual Summary and Commendation, 2022 Work Mobilization and Cadre Style Construction Conference" was successfully held in the company.



       In accordance with the requirements of government departments for epidemic prevention and control, the company simplified the plan for holding the annual summary meeting, reduced the number of participants, and strictly implemented epidemic prevention and control measures. More than 200 people from the Party committee, the board of directors, cadres above the deputy section level, team leaders, the company's trade union committee, and commended advanced units and outstanding individual representatives attended the meeting. Promote the high-quality development of the company! The meeting was presided over by Jiang Xintian, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the labor union of Shankuang Company, and Comrade Sun Shanjin, secretary of the Party Committee, chairman and general manager of the company, made an important speech.

1      The conference kicked off with the solemn national anthem. Looking back on 2021, there will emerge a group of mine workers who have performed well and are deeply trusted and praised by the majority of employees. They are based on their posts and perform their duties with due diligence; Have the courage to break through. They are the witnesses, promoters, pioneers and writers of the development history of mountain mines, and they are dream chasers on the journey of mountain mines for a century!1      The meeting first commended and rewarded the outstanding groups and advanced individuals selected in 2021. Yu Chuncheng, vice chairman of the company, Zheng Zhaozong, chief engineer, Kong Qingbin, deputy general manager, and Wang Zhaoli, deputy general manager of the company, respectively read out the company, the award-winning projects of the small reform and small reform activities, the winners of the employee vocational skills (turner, fitter) competition and the trade union. Commendation decision, A grand award ceremony was held. The leaders of the podium presented medals, certificates, prizes and bonuses to outstanding groups and advanced individuals. Chairman Sun personally presented the award to Li Hongjian, the representative who won the third prize of the "Jining Employee Innovation and Efficiency Competition Innovation Award". . Afterwards, four advanced representatives Chen Jingchen, Yue Zhijun, Zhang Peng and Kong Cunhong made speeches respectively.

1       The conference issued the 2021 Mountain Mine "Model Power"---advanced workshops (5), advanced units (6), advanced teams (10), various pacesetters (9), and model workers (10) , Small reforms and small reforms won first prizes (4), skill competitions (turner, fitter), mountain and mine champion (2), advanced branch unions (7), winning teams (8), outstanding trade union workers ( 8).


In the warm applause of everyone, Chairman Sun Shanjin took the stage and made an annual report entitled "Based on a New Starting Point, Show New Actions, and Create a New Chapter for the Company's High-Quality Development".

   Chairman Sun first extended warm congratulations to the individuals and teams who were commended, and called on all employees to learn advanced, carry forward their achievements, dare to be the first, and devote themselves to the work of the new year with positive and full enthusiasm, down-to-earth style and rigorous and serious attitude. go in.


       Chairman Sun said: 2021 is an extraordinary year. We have witnessed the centenary of the party together and witnessed the launch of the national 14th Five-Year Plan. In the face of the complex and severe economic situation and the intertwined and superimposed difficulties and challenges, the company follows the requirements of Jining's "climbing plan" program, follows the new development concept and mid-to-high-end development strategy, and earnestly implements the general policy of "innovation, quality, management, and efficiency". , strive to overcome the adverse effects of rising raw material prices and the new crown epidemic, aiming to improve quality and efficiency, seize market opportunities, and unremittingly implement various production and operation measures, all aspects of work have achieved obvious results. The government, industry peers, users and other aspects of the evaluation and recognition are getting higher and higher, and continue to maintain a positive development trend.

1      Chairman Sun emphasized: In 2022, risks and opportunities coexist, and hope and pressure coexist. We must dialectically look at the macroeconomic situation and new changes in the development of the industry, and see the trend of high-quality development. We must fully implement the new development concept, strengthen the awareness of crisis, maintain strategic focus, strengthen development confidence, do our own thing well, and use high-spirited With an upward and vigorous spirit, and with practical actions of responsibility and hard work, we will promote the enterprise to go further towards high-quality development.

1       Chairman Sun requires: fully implement the new development concept, implement the total cost leadership and mid-to-high-end development strategies, unswervingly adhere to the policy of "innovation, quality, management, and efficiency", and continue to develop "innovation-driven, quality improvement, and efficiency improvement" ” three major battles, strengthen the standardized management of enterprises, further improve the operating efficiency and efficiency of enterprises, continuously enhance employees’ sense of gain and happiness, continue to promote the high-quality development of enterprises, actively build a new development pattern of enterprises, and strive to build a new enterprise with specialization, specialization and specialization.

1       Chairman Sun called on: All outstanding representatives of the company and the majority of party members and cadres present here should thoroughly implement the spirit of the provincial and municipal work mobilization and cadre work style building conferences, do a good job of combining them with actual work, and act immediately to further unify their thoughts and focus on common goals. To exert strength, to inspire the spirit of no one to wait for me when I am, and to give up my spirit, to show the courage to face difficulties, dare to fight and win, bravely undertake new missions, make new achievements, and strive to create a new situation for the company's development.

1       On the top of the mountain, you can see the river rushing; on the top of the peaks, you can feel the mighty wind. Yesterday's achievements have been recorded in monuments, and tomorrow's glory still requires everyone to help each other and live up to their mission. In the new year, a new starting point, Shankuang people will not forget their original intentions, forge ahead, work hard, and ride the wind and waves!


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Shandong Shankuang Machinery Co.,Ltd

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